Sunday, June 10, 2007


During the darkest hours of the night,we see the beaut yof the stars. Let the good things in life, give you the strength to get through these rough times.
Good things come through times of sorrow.Love is shared.Bonds are strengthened.Commitment is renewed.Faith is restored
We can't win all the time;the odds are simply against it.But the good news is that we win some of the time.And if you think about it,that's what really matters.
When you're in pain, and it seems like no one understands; when it has gotten exhausting to even talk about the way you're suffering, remember someone is there thinking about you and is concerned. Others may turn their back on you,but he never will. You need explain nothing to Him. He knows how you suffer, and He can see what's in your heart.L ean on Him. Put your faith in Him. He promised that He would never for sake you,and you can depend on Him.
This person has given me all his support and strength through the roughest times offlate.
You have made me rich by giving me the gift of hope, by being there when I needed a friend, and by giving me a shove in the right direction when I hesitated. Thanks for bringing happiness to a heart full of woe, and for all the wonderful things you do. I found a true friend, when I found you.
He made me belief that....
No matter what happens, No matter what you do, I hope that you will stay the same.I hope you'll always be you. God made you special, No one can take that away. So when the problems call and the darkness falls, Never forget that someone cares about you.Never forget your dreams;They aren't as far away,As you might think they seem.Let nothing get you down,And when the times get rough. Simply smile like a circus clown.
Thanks a ton my friend.......

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