Sunday, June 3, 2007

IWanna unmask a part of me...

It is not enough to have a job and to be a volunteer
...there needs to be something else...there has to be...what can it be?Maybe everyone passes through this stage...and I have always been a thinker and I am still thinking...but what can it be?I know I can put on a mask or hide by being busy, but maybe I don't want to...yes...I don't want to because I want to go to the core of the issue and know why I feel this way.This led to me think that will I ever be satisfied in a such a monotonous life. I see my parents...what does their life consist of? Going to work, coming back, cooking or doing some house chores and then sleeping and the cycle is repetitive with the exception of weekends where they will socialize but then again...mostly with the same people.I don't know what I want.

1 comment:

Thought Provoking said...

My Dear Innerself,
You are not alone in this world! All of our are in a constant search for finding some thing meaningful less monotonous. We all look for things that our parents did and try not to do what we thought was wrong!
Full marks on being spot on with this thought...... take care